How do we stop the abuse of power?

Together we can stop those in power from abusing it and cheating the American public out of a system that is designed to work for all.

Step 1

Restore Trust in the Election Process

Eliminate these.

- Gerrymandering should be illegal.

- Remove dark money in politics by overturning 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court Decision

- End Corporate Lobbying

Add these.

+ Term Limits for Congress

+ Election Day becomes National Holiday

+ Non-partisan primaries to elect normal folks, not extremists

Gerrymandering = Rigging a game of Tetris

See how both sides use it to make our system more & more EXTREMIST.

Removing DARK MONEY from our democracy.

See how the disastrous 2010 Supreme Court decision unlocked the flood gates.

80% of Americans agree - Congress NEEDS Term Limits

If we have near consensus from the population, why won’t Congress act?

Step 2

Restore the American Dream

Time to even the scales for the average person.

Step 3

Fix Outdated or Upgrade Broken Systems

Which America do we want to be?

  • Public Education Pathways

    The U.S. public education system is in urgent need of comprehensive upgrades to provide multiple pathways to success and prioritize the development of essential life skills over mere academic achievement. For too long, the focus on standardized testing and grades has overshadowed the importance of preparing students for real-world challenges.

    By integrating vocational training, critical thinking, financial literacy, and emotional intelligence into the curriculum, we can foster a more well-rounded, adaptable, and resilient generation. This shift would ensure that every student, regardless of their academic inclinations, has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society. Emphasizing practical skills and diverse educational pathways will better equip our youth for the complexities of modern life, ultimately strengthening our economy and democracy.

  • Immigration & Border

    America stands at a crossroads, needing to reconcile its identity as the land of the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," with the contrasting sentiment of "build the wall." This dichotomy challenges the nation to reflect on its core values and principles.

    Are we a country that embraces diversity and offers refuge and opportunity to those seeking a better life, as symbolized by the Statue of Liberty? Or are we moving towards a more restrictive stance on immigration, focused on building barriers and limiting entry? This critical decision will shape the future of America's identity, defining whether we continue to uphold the ideals of inclusivity and compassion that have long been our hallmark or pivot towards a more insular and guarded approach.

  • Entitlement Reform

    The rampant fraud, waste, and abuse within America's entitlement systems—Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—underscore a dire need for comprehensive reform. These programs, designed to provide a safety net for the most vulnerable, are being undermined by corruption and inefficiencies that drain billions of dollars annually. Fraudulent claims and bureaucratic mismanagement not only waste taxpayer money but also threaten the sustainability of these critical services, jeopardizing the well-being of millions of Americans who rely on them.

    Without decisive action to root out these pervasive issues, we risk the collapse of essential social safety nets, exacerbating economic inequality and eroding public trust in government institutions. Reform is imperative to ensure that these programs fulfill their intended purpose: to support and uplift those in genuine need, rather than line the pockets of opportunistic fraudsters and inefficient bureaucrats.

  • Private, For-Profit Prisons?

    The private, for-profit prison industry in America represents a grave moral failing and a stark contradiction to the values of justice and liberty. This industry thrives on the incarceration of individuals, incentivizing the expansion of prison populations for profit rather than rehabilitation and societal reintegration.

    Shockingly, the United States leads the world in incarceration rates, surpassing even some of the most authoritarian regimes. This system disproportionately impacts marginalized communities, perpetuating cycles of poverty and crime while enriching corporations that have a vested interest in maintaining high incarceration rates. The commodification of human lives for profit not only undermines the principles of justice but also tarnishes America's global image as a champion of human rights and freedom. It is imperative that we confront and dismantle this exploitative industry, shifting our focus towards restorative justice and genuine rehabilitation.

  • Discovery or Destruction?

    The stark contrast between the colossal budget allocated to the Department of Defense (DoD) and the comparatively modest funding for NASA highlights a troubling misalignment of priorities. The DoD's vast expenditures often perpetuate global instability, fueling conflicts and contributing to a legacy of violence and destruction. This relentless focus on military might diverts resources from addressing critical issues like poverty, healthcare, and education.

    In contrast, investment in NASA and space exploration holds the potential for profound positive impact, fostering scientific discovery, technological innovation, and international cooperation. Funding NASA not only inspires generations and expands our understanding of the universe but also drives advancements in technology and sustainability that benefit all of humanity. Redirecting even a fraction of the military budget towards peaceful exploration and discovery could transform our future, promoting a more enlightened and prosperous world.