Dark Money in Politics - How we got here and where do we go?


As you can see from the graph above, there wasn’t a lot of money floating around in US politics before the turn on the millennia. However, money in US politics since the Citizens United Supreme Court decision is akin to a voracious parasite, feasting on the very soul of democracy. With the floodgates opened wide, special interests and mega-donors morph into modern-day Medici, wielding their financial largesse to bend elected officials to their will. Political campaigns resemble high-stakes auctions, where the highest bidder secures not just influence, but control over legislation and policy.

The voices of everyday citizens are drowned out by the cacophony of cash, leaving democracy gasping for air in a sea of corporate interests and billionaire agendas. It's a grotesque distortion of the founding principles of representative government, where the size of one's wallet outweighs the strength of one's convictions. Citizens United didn't just open Pandora's box; it unleashed a tsunami of corporate influence, washing away the notion of government for the people, by the people, and transforming it into a playground for the wealthy elite.

It's a betrayal of democracy itself, where the almighty dollar reigns supreme and the true cost is paid by the disenfranchised masses.

See for yourself the devastating impact it’s having on our politics.

See for yourself.



Political Party Lies - A brief history.